Senior Research Fellow, Mistral team / Diversity-Equality Referent INRAE-PACA center

- Study the dispersal and survival of plant pathogenic bacteria in hydrological networks to inform future plant disease prediction models

- Deploy locally the INRAE national policy aimed at fighting discrimination and promoting professional equality between women and men


  Pseudomonas syringae in freshwater
  • The group of plant pathogenic bacteria, Pseudomonas syringae, like the so-called "environmental" human pathogens, may be subject to selection pressures other than those of interaction with cultivated plants, especially in the water cycle, where these bacteria are frequently found.
  • My research questions concern the classification of this very diverse group of bacteria that represents more than 20 bacterial species, which share certain functions and have ecologies that may vary and are still to be elucidate
  • I am also interested in the role of irrigation in the dispersal of these phytopathogenic agents, by looking for possible reservoirs (groundwater, watershed ...) and genetic determinants involved in the survival and multiplication of P. syringae in river water in relation to the pathogenicity on plants.
Study the dispersal and survival of plant pathogenic bacteria in hydrological networks to inform future plant disease prediction models

River water sampling to study the presence and diversity of plant pathogenic bacteria in the Durance watershed at different seasons: "La Clarée" watercourse on 09/10/2015 from the "Pont des amoureux" in the commune of Val-des-Prés 05100 (Morris et al. 2023)


Pseudomonas syringae in freshwater

Isolation of Pseudomonas syringae from the microbiota present in a rainwater sample obtained at the outlet of the INRAE Saint-Paul lysimeter on 25/10/2011. Dilution of the filtrate is spread on KBC medium, semi-specific (Berge et al. 2014)




Fight against discrimination and promote professional equality between women and men
Fight against discrimination and promote professional equality between women and men



  • The INRAE-PACA Diversity-Equality project "Working in teams with diversity" is part of INRAE's national policy to move towards greater inclusion in work groups. It is a powerful lever to make our organization evolve and practice an efficient research.
  • With the Steering Committee set up in 2020 at INRAE-PACA, I co-construct and participate in the implementation of concrete actions intended for all persons working in an INRAE unit at the PACA Center such as :
    • Promotion of the national recruitment kit, to adopt effective and fair practices
    • Information on the external line "Allodiscrim/Allosexism" that can be mobilized by everyone
    • Sensitize through theater or through video sessions to preventing discrimination & promote diversity and professional equality
    • Training for all types of supervisor to learn how to manage groups with diversity
    • Support career development through a mentoring program to encourage responsibility and self-confidence.
  • In my unit, I lead a working group on these issues, for conferences, inclusive writing and translation of important documents into English.

Modification date: 02 July 2024 | Publication date: 08 June 2023 | By: BERGE Odile