Research technician, Mistral team


As research technician in Mistral team, the aim of my work is to gain a deeper understanding of the ecology of phytopathogenic microorganisms that spread through the air, and the epidemiology of the diseases they cause on vegetable crops, with a view to designing innovative sustainable protection systems. The scientific projects in which I am involved aim to understand how populations of phytopathogenic fungi function on vegetable crops, in order to limit fungicide and fertilizer inputs.

I am involved in the genetic and phenotypic characterization of isolates of Botrytis cinerea, responsible for gray mold, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, responsible for white mold, and Fusarium sp., which causes losses on garlic during storage. Their characterization is used to study :

  • the evolution of aerial populations of these various pathogenic organisms over time,
  • inoculum flows of Botrytis cinerea, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Fusarium sp. between soil, air and plants,
  • host specificity.


Plant pathology
  • Assessing the aggressiveness of strains on different plant species
  • Characterization of phytopathogenic strains
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of biological control agents against pathogens
  • Isolation, purification, collection and epidemiological monitoring of phytopathogens
  • Autoclave operation
  • Use of Assess2 image analysis software
  • Molecular biology: extractions of DNA, RNA, PCR and electrophoresis gels
  • Order management.
Prevention, health and safety
  • Drawing up a report on actions carried out within the unit and the annual prevention plan
  • Ensures that regulatory inspections are carried out on installations and equipment
  • Assists employees in completing their exposure sheets for the occupational physician
  • Raising staff awareness, proposing measures to improve risk prevention
  • Coordination and drafting of my Unit's Single Document.

Modification date: 30 April 2024 | Publication date: 28 August 2023 | By: DUFFAUD Magali