CERES - ANR project - 2020-2025

Development of Pseudomonas culture extract to reduce Septoria tritici blotch

  • Funding: French National Research Agency (ANR) ANR-19-ECOM-0007
  • Project: Biocontrol is a promising protection tool to reduce the use of conventional plant protection products. However, there are still few biocontrol products available to control diseases in arable crops. The present project proposes to develop new products based on lipopeptide extracts obtained from Pseudomonas strains to control the main fungal disease of wheat, Septoria tritici blotch. The objective of the project is to demonstrate in the field that lipopeptide extracts constitute a viable solution for the control of the disease. To achieve this goal, the work will consist in designing and developing the process of production of lipopeptide extracts up to the pilot scale, assessing the level of toxicity, ecotoxicity and efficacy of extracts, defining their conditions of use in the greenhouse, and evaluating their efficacy in the field.
  • Coordinator: Université de Lille
  • Partners: Université de Lille, INRAE PACA-Avignon (Pathologie Végétale), YNCREA Lille, ARVALIS, Université de Liège, Lipofabrik
  • Manager for the unit: BARDIN Marc
  • Lifetime: 2020-2025