BCA-Sclero - CIFRE thesis - 2020-2023

Contribution to the development of a biocontrol agent against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on rapeseed

  • Funding:  CIFRE, PhD student Estelle TURC
  • Project: Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a plant pathogen, responsible for white mold on many plant species. This fungus causes considerable economic damage to economically important crops such as rapeseed. To date, the control of the disease relies mainly on chemical treatments and the development of biocontrol methods can be a good alternative to reduce the use of pesticides. The objective of the project is to assess the ability of a bacterial strain, isolated in our lab, to control this pathogen on rapeseed in order to develop a biocontrol product. The specific objectives are, for this bacterial strain, to evaluate the factors of its efficacy against S. sclerotiorum on rapeseed, to study its mode of action, to optimize its production and its formulation, and to evaluate the efficacy of the formulated product in the field.
  • Partners: INRAE PACA-Avignon (Pathologie Végétale) ; Société Elephant Vert
  • Manager for the unit: BARDIN Marc
  • Lifetime: 2020-2023, 36 months