TNPhyto - ANR project - 2020-2023

Genetic traits required by bacterial phytopathogens for plant infection and fitness in non-agricultural habitats using high-throughput transposon sequencing (Tn-seq)

  • Funding: French National Research Agency (ANR)  ANR-19-CE35-0 016 
  • TNPhyto proposes a comprehensive approach to the study of plant diseases that include environmental factors in the broad sense. The aim of the project is to quickly investigate, using an innovative mutagenesis and high throughput sequencing technique (Tn-seq), the genetic determinants of bacterial lifestyle both in planta and in fresh water, a major vector of pathogen dissemination. This project include a large panel of strains from the plant pathogenic groups, Pseudomonas syringae, Pectobacterium and Dickeya, isolated from diseased plants and from the environment. The results will help predict strain virulence and/or develop antibacterial strategies. In general, this project will pave the way for other environmental pathogens by proposing an original conceptual and technological framework that is very promising.
  • Coordinator: UMR 5240 Microbiologie, adaptation et pathogénie (Lyon)
  • Partners: INRAE PACA-Avignon (Pathologie végétale); UMR 5240 Microbiologie, adaptation et pathogénie (Lyon); UMR IEES (Paris); Plateforme de bioinformatique, biostatistique et bioanalyse de la métropole lilloise; Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
  • Manager for the unit: MORRIS Cindy
  • Lifetime: 2020-2023, 42 months
  • Publications registered in the HAL-ANR portal