ID4VISA21 - ANR project - 2021-2025

Role of protein intrinsic disorder in potyvirus adaptation to its host

  • Funding: French National Research Agency (ANR) ANR-21-CE35-0009 
  • The project ID4VISA21 is dedicated to the study of the role of the intrinsic disorder (ID) of viral proteins in the evolution and adaptation of viruses. Intrinsic disorder is frequent in viruses and consists in the lack of fixed three-dimensional structures in proteins that nevertheless fulfill important biological functions. It was proposed that the richness in ID of viral proteins plays an adaptive role, either by allowing viruses to mitigate the impact of the numerous mutations that affect their genome, or by favouring their adaptation to multiple hosts or environmental conditions. We will explore these hypotheses by focusing on two proteins (P1 and VPg, that are rich in ID) of potato virus Y, a virus that belongs to the genus Potyvirus, during its adaptation to plants of the family Solanaceae.
  • Coordinator: UMR 1332 Biologie du Fruit et Pathologie, INRAE, Bordeaux
  • Partners: UMR 1332 Biologie du Fruit et Pathologie ; UR 0407 Pathologie Végétale, INRAE, Avignon
  • Manager for the unit: MOURY Benoit
  • Lifetime: 2021-2025, 48 months
  • Publications registered in the HAL-ANR portal